Super hero by day, Kid by night

Round 2 chemo began today (coinciding with radiation). Although we are so grateful she can do this outpatient, it is so hard to watch this poison be administered to our baby girl again. It’s so hard to build her up only to knock her back down again and again. And there is cruelty in the necessary consent paperwork. How many times must we review the side effects that play at our worst fears? Short term common side effects are manageable, but the potential long term side effects are terrifying. Today the doctor made a point to pause over the secondary cancer side effect because one of these chemotherapies has been directly linked to causing leukemia in patients. I simply stare at them. I grab the pen and sign my name. It’s cruel because what other choice do we have? We still find it hard to believe there is a tiny, less then 2cm spot on her femur, and she’s been in such good health with nothing else abnormal on any scan in almost 3 years, yet we have to go to these extreme measures to ensure this disease doesn’t return aggressively. And I hate with the same passion as I feel gratitude that we have any medicine at all to treat her, even if it is poison like chemo. 
So for the next 5 days, Charlotte will swallow 3 chemo pills and receive IV chemo infusions outpatient while simultaneously undergoing radiation. But she really is a super hero in disguise because she may be fighting cancer by day, but this evening she was a Barracuda at her swim team awards banquet. She got to swim and play with her friends and forget what is being asked of her. And forget about what is being taken from her. Keep those prayers going everyone. They raise us up when we need it most and we really believe God hears them. He sent us several rainbows as we walked in to Duke this morning and also one in the sky in our neighborhood on Charlotte’s first day of school🌈❤️We sure feel Him even if we can’t understand Him right no

Finding fun anywhere. Balloon glove game

Finding a craft while we wait today

Chemo begins 

Solving Rush Hour game puzzles during chemo 

Lunch break outside while we wait today! 

Rainbows as we walk in to begin today 

Our super hero 

Cancer fighter by day, kid by night

Sweet rainbow over home in our neighborhood the day Charlotte started Kindergarten ❤️ I felt like we would get one and low and behold, our sweet friends and neighbors caught it.


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