Living her best life

Where do I start? This has been the longest stretch of silence on Charlotte’s care page. I will try to keep this “short and sweet”, but our girl has been LIVING LIFE! How has Charlotte been you ask? She’s been hard to keep up with. She just finished playing 5 year old soccer. She is wrapping up dance with her first recital next weekend. She is absolutely IN LOVE with gymnastics in which she takes for 1 hour every week. She just started on our neighborhood swim team after watching from the sideline all these years. She just FINISHED preschool and is officially on her summer break until Kindergarten begins for her on July 15! She lost her first tooth a couple weeks ago and now this week her second She bravely, tenderly, and lovingly said goodbye as did all of us, to our sweet fur baby Lucy. Lucy was the best dog and so so loved by us all. Watching her slowly go downhill and needing to walk the kids through saying goodbye was harder then Brian and I imagined, but actually sa...