Road warriors HOME❤️π

Charlotte did great for the first of 7 Neuroblastoma vaccine injections. And our travels were “easy peasy lemon squeezie” as Charlotte would say. Due to the CODVID19 restrictions and quarentines, the traffic was nonexistent. What would usually be full of congestion and bumper to bumper traffic, was almost an eerie empty stretch of road. I’ve never seen anything like it. It is evident that everyone is in fact staying home. During certain parts of our drive we wouldn’t see many cars at all and it was fun to approach someone and wave “hi! Another human!” And Charlotte is a great traveler. So we were able to drive up Monday and get home late Tuesday night! My focus was on keeping us away from contact as much as possible. NY and NJ have 5 times the transmission rate as anywhere else in the country. So although not an ideal time to go there, we did what we must to get Charlotte on this important maintenance trial so she can continue her fight. We will need to make this trip up to NY on Mon...