Taking a breath

I had a completely different update written yesterday but then as I was sitting at MSK in clinic next to Charlotte as we were waiting for shot 3 of 7 after the 3rd week in a row of driving up to NYC from NC, I changed my mind. Here, pictured below, is Charlotte for the first time she’s ever come out anywhere without bringing her hat. I see confidence. I see a little girl who may wish to be anywhere else, but is doing ALL of everything asked of her. No hat, no filter, extra sprinkles❤️🌈☺️ We have a 4 week break until she needs to return for shot 4! Getting into the car to drive back up there on Monday was brutal. Neither of us could muster up our positive attitude that we try to harness so badly when needed. Charlotte looked at me with tears in her eyes and said “mom? Why is my life so hard?” What could I say to that? Our sweet girl has lived through so much pain and fear along with all the joy and hope. Everything making her who she is. Everything an ingredient in her own speci...