We are off and running!! We have been able to help families by assisting with lodging, flights, travel expenses such as gas, meals, and specialty items such as collapsible wagons which help families in a variety of ways when they come for hospital appointments. We are sponsoring Panera breakfast once a month for families in patient at Duke Children’s hospital. And this past week, my heart was heavy when we helped a family bury their 4 year old little boy named Isaac who was fighting ALL, We were able to help alleviate some of the financial burdens this sweet family was facing. Do you know how much it costs to bury a child? $4,000. We have all seen the prices at the gas pumps, grocery stores, and perhaps airline tickets. These realities are especially hard for these families facing childhood cancer. And so here we are, trying to fill in any cracks and gaps as we are able. In any way we are able. And we are able because of YOU! Because of your generous gifts and donations helping u...