Round 1 Immunotherapy CHECK
Quick update: Charlotte is home! Her last infusion finished up last night and the team gave us the green light to bring her home this afternoon. She's still not feeling great but we saw her spark return a little tonight as she mustered some energy to play with her best amigos, Taylor and Parker. All is right in the world for a little while. We are exhausted from this week in the hospital, but when we watched our 3 running together, playing in the yard at sunset with the littlest doing her best to keep up, it rejuvenated our weary hearts. She continues to inspire and amaze us all. Finally, there is a little boy, Cannon, whom I have followed since Charlotte was first diagnosed and whose mommy has been a fierce inspiration to me at times, who needs huge prayers right now. (I have written about the organization Cannonball Kids Cancer (CKc) before). Cannon has been in remission from stage 4 Neuroblastoma for almost 3 years. There has been a spot detected on his routine maintenance sca