Our champion

With every special occasion, holiday, season change, or milestone, we remember where we were 3 years, 2 years, and 1 year ago. We experience a vivid flash back. And for the last 3 years, we thought we were winning. We believed it. When her June scans revealed her cancer had returned, everything turned upside down. Even though we knew the relapse rates, understood the importance of continuing to monitor her scans every few months, we believed she had beaten it. That her cancer was gone. That she had won. We claimed this victory and thanked God for it every single day. We were ready to spread hope and help others. We were ready for anything else except for what we saw on that scan. She hadn't won. It wasn't over. Brian and I are in agreement that finding out her cancer was back was harder on us then the initial diagnosis. Now we knew more, we saw what she had been through, what we understood and witnessed....it changed everything. And if I'm being honest, we are still tryin...