The legacy of a lasting impression

“People will forget what what you said and forget what you did, but they will never forget how you made them feel”. Yesterday, Charlotte was having ear pain along with head cold symptoms so off to the pediatrician we went. There was a nurse there helping out for the day from Duke Children’s Hospital and she REMEMBERED Charlotte from her time with the pediatric surgical team. Charlotte has had 7 surgeries during her time in treatment over the years at Duke and this nurse was helping out in the OR during one of Charlotte’s surgeries. I thought about this on our drive home and how could this nurse who sees thousands of kids remember our Charlotte and her name? And the Maya Angelo quote above rang out to me. Later on when we got home, 2 of Charlotte’s best friends rang the doorbell with get well cards they made her. Charlotte will never remember what they say or even that they did this…but she will remember the way the people she has in her life makes her feel. I believe we all do. The imp...