Fortitude and Finality: a big decision has been made

For 2 and 1/2 years we have been searching. Searching for answers to questions about how we can help Charlotte during therapy and after therapy. For 2 and 1/2 years, we have been in fight mode. Fighting even when it appeared to all the world who doesn’t know Charlotte that all is “normal” and well. For you can’t tell by looking at her or talking with her that she had beaten down Stage IV cancer and was on a clinical trial aimed at preventing it from returning. Even through every sweet victory that she claimed during these 2 and 1/2 years, Brian and I were still searching and seeking. This was never ending. We kept learning not only about what she was going through, but about what we needed to do next to help her. What else was out there? This seeking and searching. This never ending part that comes with being the parents of a child like Charlotte. This chapter of our journey helping to heal our baby girl has come to a close. This is hard to say and even harder for us to gras...