Home sweet home

Home sweet home❤️A quick visit to day hospital clinic at Duke tomorrow for a shot aimed at helping her bone marrow bounce back after this chemo (insurance hiccup didn’t allow us to get it sent home in time to give it to her here). But right now, she is feeling good! She is so happy to be home and we are so grateful for all the love, prayers, and support. We feeling it wash over us, lifting us up. Below is a picture of her swim team sending their love and support, cheering our Charlotte on. She was so happy and proud when she saw the banner when we got home. She will be home recovering from chemo. Most likely when her counts drop, we will go back inpatient with a neutropenic fever and remain until she recovers. But for now, it’s home sweet home. Thank you God for everyday, and for the chance to fight❤️🌈