Carving out some chicken soup for our soul

Although Charlotte wasn’t ready to go home this weekend like we hoped, we still managed to get in some good, quality family time together. And isn’t that the best medicine? We took a walk to the Sara B Duke Gardens Friday night for a family picnic, then back to her room for play and movie cuddles. Saturday evening, kids came briefly for a visit and dinner in her room all together while Brian and I switched off. Taylor and Parker took me home and took care of me...putting me to bed early and making me coffee and breakfast in bed today complete with an in bed board game snuggle fest, all the while Brian got some sweet quality time with Charlotte for sleepover and Sunday. Today, Taylor and I even went to see a movie just the two of us (Parker at a friends birthday). All of it was chicken soup for our souls. But tonight when Charlotte and I walked Brian and Taylor to the elevators, she watched them go. She looked at me with those eyes and said in her sweet small voice “I wish I could go with them.” That about ripped me in two and brought me to my knees. What I wouldn’t give to take her away from all of this. To run to the ends of the earth with my family, far away. But we can’t run. We can’t do anything but be right here. Right here waiting, healing, hoping.

The uplifting messages of love and prayer and positivity have really washed over us when we’ve needed the lift. Whether it is a meal, a visit, a gift, an encouraging card or call or message, a hug, a joke, a bottle of wine, an invitation for some fun for Taylor and Parker, a prayer...we cannot thank you all enough and I know you don’t expect it but Thank You. Brian and I continue to be in awe of the invisible string we like to think God is weaving. I need to believe something bigger then this awful cancer is at play here. Something more amazing at work here. I need to believe what she is going through extends beyond what our human eyes can see.

She is currently sleeping here next to me. Me and Brian’s air mattress inflated on the floor next to her hospital bed. She’s running a low grade fever out of the blue. I want to hope maybe just maybe it’s an indication of her bone marrow revving up but of course I cannot know that yet. Maybe tomorrow we will have a good jump in counts. We can hope. At the end of the day, hope is Gods reminder that ANYTHING is possible.

Sara B Duke Gardens 

Charlotte strong

A good friends visit brought smiles 

The Go Fish Champion 

Daddy time 

Mommy’s girl 

Go Fish Tournament with grandparents 


  1. Beautiful moments for your beautiful family! Cheering for Charlotte's counts to go up! Up!UP! XOXO

  2. All that lovin' & huggin' is definitely food for the soul. Keep being Charlotte Strong!!! All the Larkins are praying and cheering for counts to go up. Xoxo


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