The end of hibernation

How we feel, captured so perfectly by I Draw Childhood Cancer Charlotte and Parker's first day of second semester virtual school: 1st and 4th grade Hi village. I’ve really missed writing about our amazing Charlotte and her journey, but at the same time, I felt like I needed a break. But now, here we are again, in the place we prayed we would be again. And it’s terrifying. In just a few weeks, Charlotte could potentially have her FINAL dose of cancer treatment EVER. One would think this a great celebration. A great sigh of relief. She made it! She beat it back and remains clear of disease, the treatment working. She is finishing a promising trial for maintenance. She is here and she is thriving! Celebration time! And yet, we are terrified and feel somewhat frozen instead. Brian and I feel strongly that further maintenance therapy is needed especially in children like Charlotte who’s cancer returned after all of that intense treatment. Neuroblastoma has a large window of 3-5 years af...