Merry Christmas

THANK YOU for your prayers for Poppy everyone. Schuey andNeal, as do Brian and I, believe in this power and they have felt it first hand once again. It looks like Neal is making a full and quick recovery. He is now back home even and we drove the 2 hour easy stretch for a quick visit and couldn’t believe it when he answered the door! Knowing he is still recovering, we didn’t stay too long and brought our brood back home for bedtime. We wanted to let you know and to thank you all once again for surrounding our family in prayer this Christmas season and always. As for our Charlotte, she is doing amazingly. She is vibrant, full of life and energy, enthusiasm and pure joy. She is truly funny, but also we can see such a tender and generous nature developing within her. She often relays profound wisdom coming from a space within her that has to be God sent. She had a wonderful Christmas home here with her Taylor and Parker and Brian and I. Every season feels like such an amazing bless...