Step 1: Clear bone marrows🌈

After longer then usual and an unsettling email that put my stomach into knots for the past 24hours until we finally got clarification this afternoon that Charlotte’s bone marrow biopsies continue to be clear, showing no evidence of disease. I am certain I have grown in some extra grey hairs over the past few days and Brian would have too if he had any hair😆We are so glad to have this news and we expected it, but the delay in results and the initial email sure started to have me worried. There is not many moments of peace, true peace for us anymore. And I just can’t get use to that. So now we turn our eyes towards next week when she will have full work up scans on Tuesday-Wednesday. We need everything clear so we can move forward. Onward. Upward. Keep moving, keep going. She sure will.

But first we had a fun snow day off school (first snow of this winter!), and we will celebrate our sweet Parker turning 9, AND welcome a new furry four legged puppy to our family this weekend! We so need some light hearted joy and to look forward to something. Thank you for keeping those prayers going while we await her scans and those results.

Snowy evening snuggles. Sweet sisters

This was Charlotte waking me up at 7:45 this am. Ready to go momma!

Only a dusting at this point but they were ready to play

Sledding fun with just an inch that started melting fast

In response to Charlotte’s comment at the end of this video clip: your sure are baby girl! Keep
Moving, keep going!❤️🌈


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