Our waiting room

The waiting can be one of hardest aspects of this journey with Charlotte. We are still waiting on her bone marrow biopsy results and then next Tuesday-Wednesday she has full work ups with MRI, CT, and MIBG scans, and so we are just here waiting on results but trying not to feel like we are sitting here in some big waiting room that is our life.

I don’t wish it on anyone. The anxiety is so real and strong and can feel paralyzing. But life must go on in this waiting room because we have a family with 3 young children, Brian has a business to run and people to help, we have duties to do. And so we do. But there is not one second we don’t feel like we are sitting here in a camouflaged waiting room. When we are busy during treatment, we are focused on the task of caring for and healing Charlotte. But then scan times can be harder for us. Having regular scans and biopsies are part of her continued care and monitoring and will be for some time, yet this is something that I haven’t been personally able to conquer nor am I sure I ever will. I try to pray and ask for help, and for brief periods my prayers are answered often by the nature of our kids and the joyful innocent childhood they all deserve. I mean, who can wring their hands in worry for too long when your 6 year old is so proud to show you her new trick of blowing up balloons (and then letting them go to zip around in the air or blow in her face😂). The pure sweetest of childhood joys are both inspiring and distracting aren’t they?

Keep the prayers coming you all...needing to look ahead, we have just requested Charlotte to be scheduled in early March for her port removal surgery with the hopes that all treatment that requires this access is truly over forever but we need her results to show she remains clear❤️🌈 #Charlottestrong

Silly balloon girl. Her new obsession is blowing up balloons and
Releasing them to either “attack” as they fly around or feel the breeze through her growing hair💕

A visit with Brian’s Aunt Debbie and Uncle Chuck from Arizona over this weekend


  1. And what a wonderful visit we had!! Brian smoked some delicious ribs for us! We enjoyed spending time with the children. Taylor had some fun activities she had to go to for part of the time and she sure does love to read, but we were able to play with Parker and Charlotte Saturday afternoon. I Played catch with Parker who is doing great with his baseball mitt. Charlotte toured me all around the backyard showing me all the great play equipment they have and the new tree house that Brian has built. Both of them showed me their zip lining skills too. I even got to see Smokey, their rabbit, and see the Coy fish feeding in the yard where Brian made a pond. Charlotte then took me upstairs to show me her balance beam and gymnastic bar. What a gymnast! She can bend herself like a monkey on the bar!! Charlotte is so full of smiles and energy that made me feel so happy to be with her! She truly is CHARLOTTE STRONG!! We continue to keep her in our prayers, as doo all of our church family and friends out here in AZ.


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