
There have been many firsts and lasts. But Lord hear our prayer. Let today have truly been Charlotte’s LAST cancer treatment ever. We know we have been here before, but our hopes have not changed in the face of this reoccurrence. We want to believe, we MUST believe, that our girl has truly beaten her cancer. That she will remain clear of Neuroblastoma for the rest of her life. That all we’ve been fighting for and towards is our truth. And although we know we face further decisions and uncertainty, especially immediate decisions as far as maintenance therapy options to help continue to keep Charlotte clear during the window where reoccurrence is greater, the maintenance treatments are NOT active cancer treatments. So, we celebrate today and look towards what lies ahead. I’ll write more on that when I can but for now thank you for celebrating with us as our girl keeps going, keeps moving on towards her dreams❤️🌈Thank YOU God

Some one was a goofy girl this morning...we think she is feeling what we are! She pushed the stroller to the hospital this am in a zig zagging game through the cold rain with daddy running behind her trying to keep her dry, laughing all the way😂

Last day of treatment was a rough one. She had more pain then typical and required more then double the pain rescues then she normally does, but by God it is OVER

WAY TO GO Sweet Girl!


  1. Great work Charlotte (and mom and dad and family!)! Prayers and love from Jaina (and her family!)!


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