A Merry Christmas

Charlotte woke up to a beautiful Christmas morning with her daddy. She has improved so much, they took her off oxygen today! What a gift!

We have more gifts from God then we can count at the moment. One of the biggest gifts are Brian's mom and step father, Schuey and Neal, who have devoted themselves to our family this year and without them...We don't know what this journey would have looked like up to this point. And this Christmas, they selflessly helped with many of the details so we could provide our children with some normalcy at Christmas. Even yesterday, since Charlotte has improved so much, they came to sit with her so Brian and I could take Taylor and Parker to the Childrens service at our church, and enjoy dinner together at home. We even squeezed in a little present time last night before Brian came to stay with Charlotte. And although we woke up in separate places, apart from each other Christmas Day, the JOY was stronger then ever. Charlotte is doing it. Our family is doing it. And later this afternoon, after enjoying Christmas morning at home opening some gifts and playing, I brought Taylor and Parker with me to Duke to switch off with Brian and have some time all together. They played, we opened a few more gifts together, and we felt the biggest gift of all surrounding us. This life. This amazing, uncertain, passion filled, joyful, and beautiful life. Thank you God. Thank you Jesus. And we are sending our wishes for each of you to have a very Merry Christmas full of joy and peace and love.

A moment all together on this Christmas

Christmas Eve morning Charlotte got to visit in her room with Santa. And she liked him!

My friends Jaime and Esther came by to visit Christmas Eve morning and got to be here for this special moment. Thanks for the pictures and video!

Christmas Day wake up with daddy! And Santa came while she was sleeping!

Duke donors have been beyond generous. Several people and various groups have bought very generously for Charlotte and her siblings. We are so humbled. Here is a sweet picture of Charlotte cherishing her first bible someone put in her stocking❤️


  1. PG
    She's doing it
    Way to go Charlotte
    And thanks to Schuey and Neal and all the other grand parents and friends and neighbors and prayer warriors
    God is Good
    Love Her ��


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