Hanging strong and stable

I didn't want to leave anyone out there hanging and wondering how Charlotte is doing, but we are
still (gratefully) in limbo here. From what we can gather, it's just going to take more time for our girl to heal then the first transplant. This round was really hard on her, damaging much of her heathy tissue along her digestive track and now, evidently, her lung tissue. The damage appears to be in repair without any signs of chronic issues as far as we can see from all the tests and imaging. It's just all been so scary that I feel happy simply standing still. We can see her slowly improving in many aspects so maybe we aren't exactly standing still. We are slowly tapering down on the oxygen here and there watching how she responds, sometimes we have to go back up if she's actively playing. She's taking in a lot more water and one oral medication as swallowing appears much easier to do now. Her nausea is still evident with episodes of throwing up on and off during the day. Yesterday, she was so fatigued that she slept almost all day with only short moments of conciousness. She said she felt awful and her belly was hurting all day. I prayed it was the turning point where perhaps her body crashed and harnessed all available energy into healing. This morning, after sleeping all day yesterday and all night, she woke feeling better then we have seen her in weeks! After a brief spell of nausea, she's been playful and happy all day! Her little personality shining and even having fun with the staff when they come in her room. Her pain is being managed and her body is being given the extra time it needs to heal. Those are our hopes. Please God let this damage be a temporary set back without any additional interventions needed--whatever time she needs as long as we keep moving forward in the right direction.

This evening Brian will come to switch off with me and he will bring Taylor and Parker so we can have some much needed family time together. I was so hoping she would feel up to it and that the kids health would enable them to come visit this weekend ('tis the season for colds). So we will soak up this moment hoping it's the start of the upswing! Thanks again for your encouragement and prayers. They are working in every way❤️🌈
"Let her sleep, for when she wakes, she will move mountains"

I hadn't seen her like this in so long...would be sitting up and conking out

Having belly pain so I was holding and rocking her...she fell asleep in my arms like a baby

It was so sweet if it wasn't also so sad...I haven't held her like this as she fell asleep since she was a little baby.

Body fighting so hard 

Woke with a new energy today!



Less pain and discomfort today. Let's hope it continues! 


  1. Love seeing Charlotte's smile! What a difference a day makes. Glad she's feeling better today and getting better each day. Love to you all!! Have a great visit with Taylor & Parker! xoxo

  2. Thank you for sharing Charlotte's Journey with us. My boys and I pray for Charlotte and your family every night and it breaks our hearts to see her in pain but then when she's smiling again, it's like seeing the sunrise. Yes, I do believe she will move mountains.....

  3. Such seeet and sour images of an ultra difficult journey. One day I pray you will all look back and see the Love that kept you together, hopeful, strong and relentless.

    My little ones' last round of treatment (5th) recovery lasted 72 days, but by the grace of God she made it!

    Hang tight and keep cherishing every win!

  4. I found your blog through Stacy Chinn, and I just wanted to let you know that I am praying for you and your sweet girl. My daughter, Anya, has been in active treatment for leukemia for over 2 years now - I have so many of those same photos that you are taking in the hospital. It has been such a brutiful journey. Brutal, yet beautiful in so many ways when you start seeing life differently than others who have not experienced the same trauma.
    We will continue to follow your journey and pray, and would love it if you wanted to do the same thing!


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