Calling for more prayers

Whether you are or aren't the drop to your knees praying kind, please pray for Charlotte and help God hear our prayers. I can't believe I'm writing this because we had thought Charlotte was taking a turn towards healing but today there has been some new developments and the team is concerned. Charlotte's lungs appear to be showing increasing signs of damage from the cumulative effects of Chemo on her little body. We have begun a treatment trial in a steroid with the hopes it can suppress the inflammatory response we are seeing so her lungs can repair. She seems to be teetertottering towards getting better or worse and this medication could help her get over this hump. We will know if it's working pretty quickly. Please God, hear us. Help her heal. Please bring our baby girl home. Please help her keep going and keep moving. We believe in the power of prayer and have witnessed it's powers. We are so grateful and are trying to hold on strong to hope and faith that she has so much more work to do and life to live as God works through her. Thank you village


  1. Praying for this treatment to help Charlotte's lungs strengthen. Praying for strength for you all during this time. God watch over you all.

  2. Dear God,
    Please lift Charlotte up with your healing hands and increase her strength so that she can repair fully. We are all watching and praying for her recovery.


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