Stopping to smell the roses and simply celebrate for one cotton pickin' minute!

6 rounds, 14 Chemotherapies, 197 hours of infusions, 10+hours in surgery, countless blood transfusions, shots, and medications later...Charlotte Annmarie Reynolds has met what was asked head on and tomorrow will be walking away from 5100 (oncology floor) with a smile. As I lie here close to her in the hospital tonight, watching her sleep and dream her sweet dreams, her body is receiving the last few milliliters of chemotherapy in this first phase of her protocol. I want to tell her how proud her daddy and I are of her, but the beautiful thing is that she doesn't know what she has done! She walks in her sassy and confident shoes completely unaware that her body has beaten down one of the most devastating childhood cancers. And although there are still microscopic cancer cells still in her body needing to be destroyed, and our journey is no where near over, the fact that we are at this point in her treatment is not only truly remarkable, but something to really celebrate. The fact that she went from  massive inoperable abdominal tumor with 30% cancer in her bone marrow, to tumor shrunken 80% and removed with no cancer detected in her last bone marrow biopsy....well I'd like to say it's what we prayed for but it's even more then what we prayed for. I don't think we even knew what to pray for when we started except that she could be saved, she could respond, treatment could work, we could stay here at Duke together as a family, that our other kids could be somewhat sheltered and protected, that Charlotte's body could withstand the kitchen sink being thrown at it. But we sit here basking in God's glory. And we will keep doing everything we humanly can to be deserving of it.

I do not stop to smell the roses when it comes to the small victories along this journey. I keep looking down field, learning about what is next or even years away for us. Before there is even something to worry about further or question, I am investigating. Brian helps me appreciate the little milestones because he is so good at being present in what is happening right in front of our faces. And today, I almost glossed over what our baby girl has done! I almost walked on by without stopping to take in this beautiful moment! She deserves this moment! She put on her dress, jewelry, rhinestone sandals, little stethoscope and marched her little cute bottom down the hall as if she owned this place. She pranced, and twirled, and then decided to 2 foot hop in front of her door that was decorated by staff here. "Watch me mommy! Watch!" I'm watching baby. I almost missed it though. But mommy promises to try harder not to miss your sweet little-BIG moments. You deserve a break...not to stop going or moving because we can't do that sweetie, but to stop and smell the cotton pickin' flowers once in a while, and breathe, and just be. Because in life, certainty is an illusion and guarantees are lies. And if we don't relish in what is important around us, then we will miss what is ultimately the goal for however long we are blessed to experience it.

We should get her home for recovery tomorrow! And with luck we will have a couple more weeks hospital free if she doesn't get a neutropenic fever that typically occurs once her counts drop after chemo. So, for the next couple weeks, no news is good news while she recovers at home and gears her body up for more scans and the next phase of her treatment. Your prayers and your presence in our lives is making a difference. For as much as you are touched and inspired by Charlotte, Brian and I are equally touched and inspired by the ever expanding village of those caring for and praying for our little warrior.

She did it!

Did each other's nails so we would look fabulous for her last day!

Fabulous I know
Sporting her rainbow tshirt made by our friend and neighbor Amy

My view waking up...someone is ready to play at 6:30am 

Giving "Mimi" (Minnie) a check up

Because she can have fun where ever she is


  1. I'm sure those roses smell pretty darn good this morning! Way to go Charlotte and the entire Reynolds family. Huge props on knocking these past few months out of the ballpark and putting Phase 1 in the books with authority. Charlotte is a superstar! #charlottestrong

  2. PG
    She is an amazing child and her charm and wit and personality are s Joy to behold
    Thank you Charlotte
    Keep Moving, Keep Going
    Love YOU

  3. Brian is officially The Best Partner Ever for reminding you as he did...and I continue joining your village and praying "for the next couple weeks" for no news since that's good news and for lots of normal Joyful moments in your Home.


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