Another milestone has begun

Charlotte was admitted yesterday for her last round of chemo in the first phase of her treatment, induction! This is a big milestone! Chemo will last 3 days and if all goes accordingly we should bring her home Tuesday. As you might imagine, it's always hard to bring her back into the hospital after being home, watching her feeling healthy and happy. Returning for this round was by far the hardest so far because we have had a longer break from everything: no hospital clinic check ups, blood or platelet transfusions, medications or fevers or pain for 2 week. Only an occasional home health nurse visit to change her dressing and check her vitals. 2 weeks...felt like 2 months. It was a medical vacation of sorts I suppose. And honestly, we haven't seen Charlotte feel this healthy for this long since before she was feeling sick in Febrary. And there was a part of me that just wanted to keep pretending, like I have many many times. Pretend that she is healthy and that all of this is behind us. But there are many little Angels that have gone down this road before us, and through their journey they have taught the doctors all about this monster: Neuroblastoma may respond to inital therapies but it can come back. And there is no rest until it's been killed completely. She is staring this straight in the face, and we are watching her survive this storm. Leaving a rainbow in her wake.

After she recovers from this round, we will be temporarily transferred to a new department to begin the next phase, consolidation. The Bone Marrow Transplant Unit is a self contained unit with many more "rules" and procedures we are about to learn about. They will over see the next stage of Charlotte's protocol: high dose chemo and stem cell rescue. However, we will celebrate Charlotte completing this phase 1 once this current round is complete. She is well on her way after much delay in starting yesterday for one reason or another.

The chemo she is getting this round had some painful effects during the 4th round when she received this same cocktail. We pray the effects remain minimal and appreciate you praying along with us. She developed mucositis, sores in her mouth all the way along her digestive track leading out of her bottom. We can't be sure if she will have the same response but it is typical unfortunately😞. In any case, she has risen to this challenge many times and I feel and see the strength in her every single day.  As always, I'll update when we get our girl back home to recover.  Where being with her family, and playing with her brother and sister is the unofficial non FDA approved best therapy❤️🌈
Rainbow from our friend Jaime's family in Ireland

Double rainbow from Schuey's sister, Aunt Nancy and Uncle Roy in NY

From our friend Shelley and her crew in Baltimore

From Doug's friend Terry in PA/NJ area

I try to keep track of who sends us rainbow pictures, but so many of you are seeing them at such X special moments and thinking of Charlotte! I can't remember them all but I'll keep trying to

Our friend and neighbor Christy saw this yesterday in our town of Apex
Another one from our start of round 6 yesterday! Taken in front of Taylor and Parker's school,sent to us by Amy and a friend of her's

Our home nurse, Cynthia, saw this one yesterday as well while at dinner 

My friend Kate, noticed this sign at a nursery and it speaks to what I feel we are experiencing (as per my last blog post about prisms). 

Charlotte's fight and her journey has touched so many. We are so grateful to all of you who are holding her in your hearts and walking beside us. So many of you take the time to reach out to us and lift us up, posting or sending messages, videos, and inspiring pictures. We are so blessed 
One of my favorites sent by our friend Susan. Love the fierceness 

Our three amigos having fun before this round

My girl, dresses are a must right now

With daddy as we enter Duke yesterday for round 6. Our sweet peach

Made a mask while waiting for a room. Our super hero. She says " No! I'm a cat!" 

Just a favorite shot of Charlotte while on a balance beam at a little tumbling gym. Confident, poised, determined. Our riser. Our fighter


  1. If GOD is with us no one can defeat us
    Keep Going. Keep Miving
    Charlotte Strong
    Love you

  2. Praying for strength and success during this round. With all that Charlotte has endured thus far, we know your little fighter can weather any storm and find those rainbows on the other side! We are very inspired by your whole family and love you all. #charlottestrong


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