Small Wins!

Charlotte's fever curve is getting better. Instead of peaking at 103 and lasting for a couple hours, it's peaking at 101 ish and lasting an hour. She is off oxygen and breathing well on her own. Her belly has pull backed in size. All of which are good things. Slow and steady progress since Wednesday. All maintenance medicine doses have been reduced and she is no longer on any pain killers.
She is at a very low blood and platelet count, so her main line (at the chest) is having trouble staying clotted. But that is "not abnormal". The way Drs. talk.

She is run down this AM, consistent with low counts, Day 8 of treatment and a tougher night sleep. But Taylor and Parker will be here soon along with Mommy. No group better to bring her smiles. Very fortunate to get passes for the kids to come up, while the hospital is on flu restrictions. Also helps the older kids get used to wearing a mask.

Thank you all for your prayers, positive thoughts and support. We appreciate and need them all. Charlotte is one heck of a fighter both sweet and spunky. We have an amazing collection of family and friends and strong faith.

Now we need to keep the medical news going in the right direction. She is strong! And with all the love, so are we!
From Jen on March 26, 2016 @ 12:00 PM EST


  1. Take all the small wins you can. Awesome that the fever is peaking at lower temps. Keep heading in the right direction, Charlotte!


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