Getting some sleep and planning on a wagon ride!

Good morning! They think we might get to a room later today! Steps closer to coming home! Her X-ray showed improvement with lung fluids. Still fighting a fever and needs oxygen. Finally got put back in solids and ate some bites of spaghetti last night. We both slept better last night too. We didn't get out yesterday so maybe today. We have a wagon and are hoping to take her for a ride maybe even to see the helicopter on the roof:)

Got a little kick in the gut with some news specifically regarding her tumor genetics. I was really down and having a hard time last night. But woke to a new day. And Brian has a contact in Cincinnati who put him into contact with a leading researcher for high risk NB and after talking with him we feel better about not just our current plan here at Duke but also about all the new research that hasn't even been published yet which has MUCH better prognosis outcomes for someone like Charlotte. I really needed to hear that and the timing of this doctor calling us could not have been better. It was heaven sent. The current information published does not include several very important "steps" of her treatment which she will get and greatly improves her prognosis. Holding on over here. 

C is down in the dumps though and wants to go home. From Jen on March 23, 2016 @ 9:00 AM EST

Reynolds Family Village, if you have a moment today please post or send a funny video or picture to lift Charlotte's spirits.  :)

The Reynolds family has requested that this blog and any postings are NOT SHARED on social media at this time.


  1. Love you so much Charlotte! Hope you get to see the helicopter today. Praying hard. All day, every day!

  2. Cheers for a wagon and helicopter!!

  3. Funny cat videos always make me laugh :)~ Love you all!! Wish I could just give you a big squeeze! XOXOXOXO

  4. Hooray for wagon rides in the sunshine! Cheering you on Charlotte, and blowing you all lots of kisses!

  5. when my MIL said she has seen some of her kids struggle in the beginning and then turn around beautifully my faith was reenergized.. I know its going to be a tough road but with helicopters and wagons I can tell you all are going to make the best of it. if you need face time friends let us know, nate can talk her ear off. HUGS and WELL WISHES!!!

  6. "The current information published does not include several very important "steps" of her treatment which she will get and greatly improves her prognosis." BEST NEWS today! Yeii!

  7. Charlotte, we are all sending you lots of love and hugs from afar. Couple that with lots of prayer and I'm sure you'll come out strong.

  8. Prayers lifted for Charlotte and her entire family. May God give you the strength you need to fight the good fight. Miracles happen everyday and everyone who knows or hears of your need will be praying that you receive yours! Thank you for keeping us abreast of Charlotte's status. All my love, Deborah Mott

    1. Thanks so much Ms. Mott and for being there for my mom too

  9. Thinking about you constantly sweet girl! Keep on fighting. Love you!
    Doty, Rob and Drew


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