First Day of Chemo

First day of chemo was yesterday. She started getting a fever in the evening and they said this isn't uncommon after surgery but they are taking precautions by checking for bacteria in her main line and giving her an antibiotic while we await those results. Yesterday was a sleepy day and she was on some pain meds that enabled her to relax comfortably. Taylor and Parker were able to come visit in the morning and we did some light educating with what is happening with Charlotte. They did great and it was important for those 3 amigos to see each other again. They even received their own stuffed animals with a Broviac main line for meds so they could learn about Charlotte's. Our good friends Brad and Sandy also came to see their girl and sit with us for a while as she began her treatment.

As we look for any good news any time we can get it, the doctors gave us some. If she tolerates the 5 days of chemo well, then we should be able to bring her home for recovery as early as Wednesday. And for the second round only, we might be able to have it as an outpatient. We would love to minimize her over night hospital stays and have her home so we pray that can happen. And we pray her fever is not an infection and that she can come home for recovery before Easter. And we thank god for all of you and how you are helping and loving our family while we try to navigate this new world.

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