Restful Day in the Duke PICU

Charlotte has had a restful day and just fell asleep like a baby. We are in the PICU another night while they keep her on a high level oxygen to help her breath easier. Her swelling has not increased and even looked to have decreased a little today. They are flushing her system and giving diuretics to help her absorb and excrete any extra fluids accumulating in her body which will reduce her abdominal swelling and then help her breathing. Once that's under control we can go back to a private room. Fingers crossed tomorrow. They will X-ray first thing in am to check the large fluid pool that is outside her lung area and the hope is her body will take care of that on its own. 

She had some great daddy time this evening talking and reading and even ate some soup broth and Italian ice, which is the first food she has had since Sunday am. She is really starting to get use to all the invasiveness. I heard her thank the nurse unprovoked after they checked her vitals before she fell asleep. I do not think there has ever been a sweeter, more patient, or tougher child (yes I am biased;) our spirits are higher today as our processing is catching up with our reality. We are having grieving moments but I can honestly say there is a higher power helping to guide us and give us strength and faith. It's the only way I can explain how we are coping. It has only been 1 week since we were admitted and it feels like a month. We thank god for everyday we see Charlotte battling.

From Jen on March 22, 2016 @ 8:21 PM EST

The Reynolds family has requested that this blog and any postings are NOT SHARED on social media at this time.


  1. So glad your faith is keeping you going. Sounds like Charlotte is hanging tough and being polite. What a kid.


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