Another unanswered prayer

May god give this family some peace. Thanks for all of your prayers—we can never know why God doesn’t always answer them in the ways we hope.

Kenna’s family’s message:

“Kennady went to heaven today at 5:50 am surrounded by family and friends who loved her more than words could ever describe. We were able to spend the whole night with her comfortably listening to music, cuddling and talking about all of our memories with her as she rightfully deserved. After her passing we gave her her last bath and were able to hold and love on her while this beautiful sunrise came up. She came into this world the most beautiful baby, went to heaven the most beautiful angel and gave us the most beautiful sight we could see to let us know she was okay. Words can’t express this pain but we are so proud and happy that she is finally pain free and won over her disease.”

All this time, so many of you have not only prayed for Charlotte, surrounding our own family in love and support, but have embraced other children who we’ve come to care about either by happenstance as we’ve met them during treatment or maybe we got to know a little of them from afar on online parent support networks. Often more times then not, these children did not get better. And yet, we keep praying. Well, I’ve been pretty verbal with God lately. I understand prayers are a beautiful thing and you all know how much I believe in them but I’m starting to feel restless and antsy and HE knows it. What more can we do? Can I do? Can Brian and I as a family do? Besides wring our hands in worry and faith and...pray. I feel a shift. A path being laid out. I need action. As God weaves, he can also stir.


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