Normal has never been more beautiful

We have been busy LIVING life! Charlotte is feeling great!  She's got lots of energy, is eating like the foodie that she is, and is able to just BE a typical three year old playing and enjoying family time home. She's had over 2 weeks off from clinic check ups which has been an awesome break from going into Duke. She still has some big mood swings due to the oral chemo, accutane, she is taking but nothing we can't love her through😊.  We still have one more week before our girl steps into the ring again for round 3. She's like a boxer now that I think about it. Each round of treatment is her ring, and she gets knocked down but never out. She gets back up again to face whatever is to come. Sometimes she may rise slowly, but sure enough, she's still got a lot of fight left in her.

To be home this Mother's Day with all 3 of my babies and my adoring husband was so very special. Of course, everything in our lives feels and tastes a little sweeter these days. We hold every moment close not because we are afraid they will slip through our fingers, never to be relived, but because these days and moments deserve to be cherished. These three children deserve showers of adoration from parents who are present and not thinking about anywhere else they should be or anything else they should be doing. That has been what these days are about for me. How could anyone know what love is possible until they become a parent? Every single day is better because of these boogers. They save me in every possible way. I'll keep trying my whole life to deserve them. Happy Mother's Day out there to all you other mommas doing the most important work God could ask. Every sacrifice we make, no matter how big or small, is an act of the greatest love imaginable. I feel so so blessed. And for those of you who are missing your mom, may happy memories flood you as you remember your very first love ❤️

Here are some recent pictures of Charlotte getting to have some norlmacy these days. I watched a tear jerker of a video clip yesterday on Mother's Day that depicted a normal day of a mom navigating the average day with her 2 small children. When her husband asked her how her day was, her memory flashed back to all the exhausting moments of diaper changes and grocery shopping and helping the girls share and cleaning up a cake one of the children accidentally dropped on the floor. But when the dad asked the little 3 year old how her day was, she beamed with excitement at recalling the laughter during one of the baby's diaper changes and how she played with her sissy and how mommy gave them lots of kisses and how they took a fun ride in the grocery cart through the parking lot and how she and mommy had a food fight and ate cake off the floor. She said "it was the best day ever." The tired mom, who overheard in this daddy daughter conversation from the doorway, realized something as she smiled to herself. Among all the mundane, this is where the special moments live. Our "normal" can be their "magic." I understand how she feels. Charlotte often says "This is the best day ever!" usually catching us off guard because nothing remarkable is happening. But this is where she teaches us that this is where the beauty and magic in life every little moment.

Mother's Day breakfast and cuddles with my lovies 


Pool time. Charlotte is learning how to stand in the 1ft end and play toys but not submerge. She can't wait to go swimming 

Backyard fun 

Raspberry fingers 

My little helper 

Bug hunting

Scooter ride to the playground in our Anna Jammie's 

First bath with her siblings in over 6 months! She's matured so much now she wcan take a bath and won't try to submerge! We wrap her tubies in a ziplock bag and keep the water level down. A little norlmacy ❤️

Sweet sisters

Copying her brother who randomly started trying to read his bible that night 😆She kept repeating after him. (Will post a video. It's hilarious) 

Two peas 

Rainbows from our village❤️🌈

Video: had to capture Charlotte swallowing her Chemo spill, Accutane! Her dialogue here and how proud she is when she finishes is beyond precious! 

" Reading"  with Parker 

Dancing with Taylor 


  1. SO glad your Mother's Day brought you so much Joy! Beautiful children and yes...the magic in the normalcy is a gift to be cherished.


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