A potential miracle upon us!

I wanted to write a quick update so our village can add all of our voices to those all around the world who are praying for little Owen and his parents. They have been sent home on hospice care after learning that Owens tumor was still growing despite beginning treatment. He started exhibiting many symptoms during the first round of chemo which led to an MRI. This MRI showed increased tumor activity being the cause of his neurological issues. St.Jude's determined Owen was not responding and this was his only hope. Amanda and her husband brought Owen back to their home town to be surrounded by their loving family as they spent their last remaining days with him. However, instead of seeing him continue to decline like they were told, he has started to improve in the most unexpected ways. They have been in contact with their doctors at St.Jude's while at home over these last couple weeks and the team is surprised in these findings! They now believe there is a chance there could be some delayed response causing him to improve! The doctors want to be sure medication isn't masking what the tumor is doing so he is being weaned off of several medications starting today. The family will watch if certain symptoms return. If they don't and Owen continues to look the way he does, the doctors want them to return for more treatment!

To say this is rare and almost unheard of is an understatement. Being told there is nothing further that can be done and preparing to watch your baby die is something none of us could ever imagine. And yet Owen seems to be improving and going against everything medically explainable at the moment. Their family believes they could be witnessing a miracle in the making.

Let's join them in this hope! There is still so much possibility and although he may decline once certain interventions are pulled out from under him...maybe he won't. Maybe we are all witnessing this miracle❤️๐ŸŒˆ I will keep you updated. Love to all of you out there in our amazing village 

Some recent pictures of Owen and his parents so that you have a face to go along with your prayers


  1. Prayers for this sweet guy. Owen is among our names of those we pray for each night. Will continue to pray for this miracle and improvement for this fighter!

  2. I will definitely keep dear little Owen in my prayers, along with his family!

  3. I will definitely keep dear little Owen in my prayers, along with his family!


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