Our village

Many have asked about Taylor and Parker. They are doing ok but it has been hard on them as you can imagine. We are learning how resilient kids really are! We have a huge tribe of friends and family helping to care for them while we balance the hospital stays and also Brian working. We are teaching them about Charlotte's cancer in small doses and they are asking good questions and getting lots of TLC. We have some books that the hospital social worker gave us to help siblings understand and cope with this new diagnosis that will effect all of us. As with all things right now, we are taking it one step at a time. Today was a day we tried to provide a little extra normalcy and so I spent the night home last night and then we got some fun us time with breakfast out and Lego convention. Brian was able to take Taylor to her Y Guide troop meeting and both kids are back to school and preschool so those routines will help as well.
We have so much loving and caring support in our friend, family, neighbor circle. Our immediate needs are anticipated before we can even ask and met before we even know what we need. There are so many people to thank and we are truly humbled by everyone's love and support. I included a few pictures of friends who just came by for a visit this last week or so and also from mommy morning out today with Taylor and Parker. And we are so blessed to have our parents come down at the drop of a hat to help out with Taylor and Parker during Charlotte's treatments. Also, we have some friends from far away who made Charlotte a huge support banner and we were just blown away by that act of kindness. She smiled ear to ear when she saw all those smiling faces on it were for her. You are all such a blessing for us and you could never know how much strength and courage we gain from your encouragement at this time.
PJ breakfast with mommy at Cracker Barrel this am

The girl loves chocolate. Enjoying a piece from
Easter basket 

Lego convention today

Friends visiting Charlotte 

giving Parker a thumbs up while he plays a game with her

Brad getting smiles 

Visit from Chris and Brad

Mary bringing a gift from our friends far away...Charlotte lit up when she saw it

Danielle read books and performed a song for her:)

We are so humbled and grateful for you all


  1. Truly Amazing family and friends. So many blessings Charlotte's way! She is adorable on her little wagon. I haven't met you in person, but I truly admire your poise and openness Jennifer. Humbly walking with you all, as hopeful reminder to not lose sight of that Light!

  2. I was fortunate to spend a week With T & P
    It was a breeze as they are such super kids
    Thoughtful, helpful , and they play so well together We did pullen park, the Marble Museum and played games etc. They are a delight
    And such good friends and neighbor's From an Easter egg hunt , meal plans to play dates to checking up on me
    We grandparents are grateful for their support to B & J as well as the kids and we out of
    towners got comfort from their caring and watchful eyes
    Thank you and God Blesd

  3. You are all loved and supported. We are blessed and grateful to have each of you in our lives.

  4. What a great poster! Charlotte is so loved! I'm glad Jennifer got to spend some quality time with the big kids.


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