Hospitalized: learning about fire drills

Charlotte spiked a fever last night and we were admitted. Good news: fever free this morning and she is feeling fine. Unfortunately these neutropenic fevers, fevers after chemo when her white blood cells are low, are common and part of the process with her type of chemo. They don't necessarily indicate an infection but they do mean hospitalization for evaluation to rule out anything serious. She is acting goofy and quite charming so I suspect she is not sick:) Her counts are rising as well so that is good news. Once her counts are up a little more and she is fever free, we will be able to go home. Hopefully in another day or two.  She is being a complete pro and charming all the nurses. She knows she gets to go home when she's all done with her medicine. Her understanding and realization of this has really helped her except being back in the hospital for now. Knowing she gets to go home will serve her well going forward! So please pray fevers to stay gone and her white blood cell counts to keep improving and also prayers for the stem cell harvesting information that will be obtained while we are here to direct our medical team as to what is best at this time. Since her past nasal swabs detected a virus, we are in quarenteen and she cannot leave her room:( so no wagon rides to see fishes or playroom today....

In the mean time, we thank god for our parents who have been a constant for us and one or more of them are always near to help us during these fire drills. We never know when one will occur and their availability has been such a source of comfort to us. It enables us to care for all three kids in the best way possible as well as helping Brian be able to continue working, which is also very important at this time. The logistics of being in and out of the hospital and doctors appointments while balancing the 2 other kids and his work schedule would be a nightmare without them. We love you family and all of our amazing village of friends and neighbors. Thanks for loving our family and helping us not only cope and manage, but also in helping to lift our spirits and lighten every load that we are carrying at this time😘


  1. Hopefully you are back home by now (or going home soon). It's pretty amazing this is the first time you have had to go and reassuring that she rebounded so well, playing, etc. And, yes, thankful for all the help and support you have, especially among those grandparents! Love and prayers from all here.


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