When grace takes root

It’s human to wallow in our own self pity at times with a “whoa is me” mentality. I mean, who hasn’t. But if you spend one day on the 9th floor of Memorial Sloan Kettering (MSK Kids), it will truly cause you to re-examine your own limitations in the most eye opening way. The human spirit may be left untapped in some, but not in these children.

We shared a room today for Charlotte’s treatment with a curtain drawn between us and another family with a little girl maybe a year younger then Charlotte. We both stayed private and never spoke to each other, focusing on our own child, but it was all I could do not to cross that curtain and first hug the bejesus out of that sweet strong angel and then give her parents a huge hug. She kept thanking them for this and that between her tears, amid her own pain. Her sweet and strong spirit palpable. I think that is what grace looks like.

Charlotte did great today. Great in the sense that she was brave and tough and helped us help her through this intense and painful treatment. Great in the sense that her body was able to safely maintain her blood pressure which has been her biggest issue on day 1 each cycle. Great in the sense that her smile came back when it could, along with her little anecdotal comments and stories. Great in the sense that she wanted mommy’s hand and snuggles which helps me feel somewhat useful when I feel so helpless. When I wonder how she does any of this, how any of us parents do any of this, that’s when the strangest sense of peace over comes me and I know with every fiber of my being that it is God, the Holy Spirit, right there with us. It is the only way any of this makes any sense at all to me. When grace takes root, replacing bitterness and anger. If we can all believe in the strength of this spirit, then whatever any of us face in this life can be over come. Maybe not over come in the way we imagine it, but over come nonetheless.
#charlotterocks #charlottestrong

Our fighter. You are doing so good baby

Keeping up with Kindergarten work while having donut treats before day 1 of this cycle began. Her sweet teacher included a sweet treat and note (pic below) like she has every cycle. So far, even after missing so much school, our baby girl is doing well and on grade level


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