Back to the fight: round 4 of 3F8

After an amazing Christmas season, we are back at it. We really don’t want to be here but we have been snapped out of Lala Land and it’s back to the fight. We have work to do and we are grateful for the fight. But it was hard to leave after such a long vacation all together. We have arrived in NYC to start round 4 of treatment tomorrow.

We had the best Christmas break! It was a long break from treatment (an extra week), the children were off school, and Brian took a lot of time off work. So we had an ultimate Christmas Staycation and it was fabulous! But we were quickly snapped out of it when this last Wednesday rolled around and it was time to begin the dose of medication she begins 5 days before treatment. Charlotte ended up having an allergic reaction (hives) to this important medication that helps the immunotherapy work. We administer this medication to her in the form of a shot in her arm once a day for 10 days. She’s received it many times but there’s a first time for everything. And so I ended up taking her to Duke to be observed during the next dose on Thursday. And after I premedicated her, she was able to tolerate the injection without a reaction. And so we will be giving her a medication to prevent this reaction each time going forward. It was a rude awakening, back to reality, after such a magical holiday season.

Today she did not want to say goodbye to her family. She was so sad to leave and come here for more treatment. Of course she found a new stuffed friend in the airport which made her smile 😊 In true Charlotte form, she quickly adjusted to needing to come back for more treatment and her sweet and silly self appeared again. Today Parker asked, as he does from time to time, “When will all of this be over?” It’s a hard question to answer. But we believe with each step forward, she is that much closer! Onward. Forward. Bravely. We will keep going, keep moving. And keep trying to keep all 3 of our children grounded in as “normal” of a childhood as possible while we put on our strong and brave faces. Please pray that this week goes as smoothly as possible for our sweet girl. This could be her second to last round of active treatment! We need to see it, keeping the finish line in our sights. And believe.

#charlottestrong #familystrong

Christmas Eve at our AUMC church. Both Charlotte and I sang at services this year

70 degree day during Christmas break means let’s get the boat out on the Lake!

This look! I tried to video her and this is the look I got while being observed over several hours at Duke last week. She was teaching me the most hysterical chant she learned from a friend at school! Like a clapping one. “Turn around touch the ground kick your boyfriend out of town. American cheese. Touch your knees. I think I have to sneeze”😂🤪

Santa trolly

70 degree day over Christmas break! Candy canes on the boat!

Her new furry friend that helped her smile. How could I resist?

Santa trolley!

Christmas morning excitement! Waiting to go into the living room!

My silly loves

A visit with pops and Mimi 

The night before Christmas 

Santa trolley

Our nurse Rachel took the kids to see Frozen 2 and then back to her place for pizza so Brian and so could do some Christmas shopping together! She’s so amazing 


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