A whole new day with answered prayers

We have felt those loving prayers and they have sure been answered as our sweet girl got a break today. Of all days, today has been her best day of treatment. We don’t know why but it is the first time she didn’t even have any pain that is associated with this immunotherapy—besides all the normal premeds, she didn’t require any pain rescues or breathing treatments or even a single ice pack. Truly a miracle AND her rash is improving. I feel like I could sleep a week and a lead brick taken off my shoulders for sure. Now she gets the weekend to recover with the hopes the hives and fevers and pain stays away and we will be released for home Monday❤️🌈We are so grateful. God is so good #charlottestrong #charlotterocks

Making everyone smile while wearing her prize box item around. She wore it to and from the hospital 😂


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