Round 2 3F8 done❤️🌈

I met a grandmother here with her almost 5 year old grand daughter who under went her 8th round of 3F8 this week. This little girl ended up in the PICU with complications and is now out and recovering from a hard week. Meanwhile, Charlotte was doing pirouettes and skipping around the place, ready to  play. This is what makes the doctors here often scratch their heads. There seems to be no telling how a child will respond to this treatment each time and although the nursing staff is highly trained and prepared to handle anything, this remains a mystery.

Charlotte did exceptional this week and as I write this, she is peacefully fast asleep with minimal lingering side effects. Today, she finished her last day of round 2 of 5 of this immunotherapy. We snuggled this morning and she verbalized how she “hates” this medicine and who could blame her sweet heart. And yet amid it all, her joyful and strong spirit remains in tack. This is something Brian and I pray for every single day. That somehow, the most difficult parts of all of this won’t ever truly touch her.  She had a bit more pain during today’s infusion but on the plus side we are seeing less side effects needing to be managed then previously.

Maybe she can have a fun weekend celebrating mommy’s birthday and with grandma coming to town! Monday, she will have a 4 point bone marrow biopsy and then after a clinic check up we can fly HOME sweet home. We will get Thanksgiving home together with friends and family❤️🌈Feeling each of your prayers! #charlottestrong

My girl❤️

Yesterday on her day off, we went to the Central Park Zoo. We were very impressed and had a great afternoon there! I never thought the these weeks here for this would be an opportunity to do things like this. Each day she feels this good is a true gift. Thank you God 
(I took a ton of pictures but here are just a few🤪)
Never seen a red panda or a snow leopard before! Amazing

We loved the sea lions! The zoologists did a feeding and demonstration 

Caption this grizzly who walked up to that rock and sat down and crossed his huge arms and laid his face upon his paws! “Is it Friday yet?”😂

Ok this duck followed Charlotte all over this section of the zoo! I have 3 funny videos and I’ll try to share one of them. Why, we don’t know, but the zoo keeper there said she’d never seen anything like it. I nicknamed Charlotte the “duck charmer”

Loved these Grizzlies. 25 year old females

Duck Charmer video clip and YouTube link

And from last post: Meet Barlotte Video😂 (I was told the other version didn’t work on email version so I’ll try to attach YouTube links of little videos from now on)


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