The work of indirect and direct prayers: lifting Cannon up

First of all, Charlotte continues to do well with this IL2 infusion. She has less pep in her step today while experiencing a low grade fever and some belly pain, but so far it's all expected. The Ronald MacDonald House is truly full of angels walking around as people.

So we need big prayers today. We have learned so many lessons this year while on this journey to heal Charlotte. Although I think our goal is to heal Charlotte, the journey itself has evolved from the goals mission of curing our daughter of cancer to include some life changing lessons. The most important being getting to know God a little bit better. I know this had been a huge development for myself as I have grown light years in my own faith right in front of your eyes as you've followed Charlotte's story. But a piece of this new relationship and new knowledge of God and how he likes to work has let me into an important insight that so many of you probably already knew but I only recently have come to understand as this year has played out: Prayer really does work. Prayer really has power. And their is power in numbers when it comes to prayer. I can't say I understand it all, like surly God would answer a single small prayers just the same as thousands of voices praying a single prayer right? I believe this is true. But I also have learned when a single prayer grows into a village of prayers, it creates an effect that God wants. He wants us to be believers. Believers live a life attuned to Gods wishes. Oh we still sin (those who know me know "I'm a church girl on Sunday and a cuse word 'cause it's Monday" type of gal) and I have a lot to ask for forgiveness for. But could we be helping to do Gods work as Charlotte's parents and also as her voice in this journey? How many of you are living closer to God, or are living a fuller life, or are appreciating their families or children or just their own life deeper, or how many are asking "what can I do in my life to fulfill God's wishes for me?" Whatever your experience, so many of our village have reached out over the year with how they have been impacted in the most amazing and wonderful ways by Charlotte. Not just her story or our families story, but simply by her. She is living evidence of God's love for us. She is his love. And all of your prayers have helped get us here today where she is in the position to receive this state of the art Immunotherapy that will improve her chances of being cancer free and staying cancer free.

Could we amplify this prayer with our collective voices for Cannon today? I wrote about 5 year old Cannon a couple weeks ago and today is the big day where new scans of a suspicious spot will reveal whether he has relapsed or not. He has been cancer free from Neuroblastoma for over 3 years. Right at this moment his scans are being done and his family is waiting, holding their breath. Either way, this news will be life changing. Either he goes back into the Pediatric cancer world again fighting this uphill battle where the odds are not on his side seeing as there is no known consensus for relapse, or he gets to go home cancer free and start Kindergarten, living his life as a survivor again. Once we get Charlotte through this treatment we will be so grateful for her to join the disease free club, but we have learned this doesn't mean her journey is over. She is not cured. We will wait with baited breath for clear scans every few months for several years praying the cancer is still gone. So today, can I ask you to pause whatever it is you are doing to say an out loud prayer for Cannon and the Wiggins family. A huge part of me NEEDS to see his story play out in a way I can understand. I NEED his scan to be clear. I know his story is not Charlotte's, but you would understand if you were in this world like we are: every child is your child. Every parents victory and defeat feels like your own. It feels like a giant mirror over here in this strange group we are now members of. If Cannon's "suspicious spot" turns out to be nothing, then I will feel like we have more of a shot. Does that make any sense? We are following in the footsteps of all these kids before us. Could an indirect prayer for one person directly affect the other? I believe so but what do I know. Instead, I prefer to just cover all of our bases, hedging our bets. God, please hear our prayers for all of the Cannon's and all of the Charlotte's in this world. God, these babies have fought with every ounce of strength they have to be here. Oh God please let them keep going. I write this with tears streaming and my heart out here in plain sight. Please forgive my selfish motives...I want Cannon to be clear for his sake but I also know his victory will feel like our own and we need all the victories we can get in this war.

And while you are generously surrounding these other people important to us in your love and prayers, I'll take this moment to update you on baby Owen, our Pastor Amanda's 4 month old son I have written about. They are now at St.Jude's where they are putting all their eggs in a hopeful basket that a promising new trial can save his life. They have found out his brain tumor, although successfully removed, has metastasized into his spine. No child his age has ever survived this type of cancer. However, there has always been a first for every single thing on this earth.  As his mother writes with such inspiring faith and hope "Could Owen Robert Steinmann be the one kid who beats the odds through the power of The One? We are crying out from the depths of our souls for just one miracle; for God to save our one and only son. Let us lift our voices as one body... " 

And I believe all of you, Charlotte's amazing village, is up to the task. I believe. I believe because I have seen this power. I have felt this power. It is real. Thank you all❤️🌈


  1. Prayers and sending our best thoughts for all three of these special children!

  2. Very touched by this post and I am aggressively praying for Cannon, Owen and Charlotte today. God is listening.


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