Spring showers of Joy

I had a moment a few days ago among my spring cleaning organizing madness. The ceremonial trip up to the attic to store away clothes from the previous season that the kids have outgrown as well as to retrieve something of Taylor's or cousin Allison's that Charlotte may have grown into turned into an emotional moment for me, coming out of left field. I was busy "nesting" as Brian tells me. I do this every season in some shape or form but this past year has been such a difficult one that I don't think I really was able to start and complete many tasks like I usually would. So this time, I had the time to do a few fun projects and also properly see what clothes we had and what we needed for each of our 3 kids, who at their age seem to need almost a new wardrobe every season since they grow so fast (thank god for hand me downs from family and friends!) But this year, I had a sharp memory flash back at me, right into my very bones. I recalled this time last year. I remembered trying to set Taylor and Parker up for spring while also put away some of Charlotte's winter clothes that she didn't need anymore. Would she wear them again? Would she grow? Would she ever wear another one of Taylor's hand me down outfits that I love getting ready for her because they bring me back to when Taylor was her age and I love seeing her grow into them? Would she still be here next spring?

I think I sat in that attic and had a good cry out for I don't know how long. I held her clothes tight and cried with such gratitude. She is still here. She is growing. She is getting better. And although we don't know how long we get to keep her, we are fighting with every ounce of strength for keeps. She IS growing up right in front of our eyes amid all of this. And so I was able to wash several loads of Taylor's and Allison's old dresses, shorts, shirts, skirts, and PJs. We found some "golden shoes" as Charlotte calls them, in which Taylor lightly wore and now Charlotte has claimed as her new favorite shoe for the season. She officially has more clothes then everyone in our home combined ๐Ÿ˜‚. It's hard to describe the joy I felt in the simple task of putting this seasons clothes in her closet and drawers.

Another blessing came yesterday and hit Brian and I with a gust of fresh air. Instead of another medical bill, we got the first of what we hope to be many monthly tuition statements for Charlotte to attend preschool! She is registered to begin in the fall! We hope she can begin this September at our church's preschool 3 year old program! She will attend AUMC here in Apex Tuesday's and Thursday's from 9-12. What a proud moment that will be!

When we don't know what each day will bring, Charlotte reminds us to grab life when you can and enjoy the ride. Besides some skin dryness and big  mood swings, Charlotte is tolerating side effects to Immunotherapy and the medications well. Her appetite is slowly returning. Energy is getting much better. And we have spoken to Taylor and Parker some about trying to be extra tolerant while Charlotte gets some medications that make her very emotional (more weepy, angry, irritated then normal). We have truly been soaking g up the time home all together last week and again this week. She'll begin Round 2 next week. We will move into the Ronald MacDonald house on Monday after Easter as she will need to stay close by to Duke during some predosing of IL2 medications. They use to do this inpatient but kids have tolerated it so well that she'll have a small pump on her administering this medication for 24hrs for 4 days, but they want us to stay close to Duke as some children experience severe reactions. So we will be at RMH nearby just to be safe. Then, we'll be home for the weekend but back inpatient are Duke PBMT Sunday April 23rd-28th.

But for now, it's pure chicken soup to our soul being together enjoying life's simple pleasures (pictured below) like rainy days, meeting daddy for lunch, forehead tattoos and tea parties๐Ÿ˜‚, the three amigos just playing together, miniature golf with friends, Tball games, strawberry picking and back yard cookouts with friends...and this weekend Easter. I attached a video clip: Talks with Charlotte. She was quite curious about the Easter bunny business so after many questions I began recording and caught this gem to share with our amazing village❤️๐ŸŒˆ

Charlotte and her Brady

Strawberry picking! Her favorite fruit

Golf with Parker and his friends over Masters weekend 

Charlotte picked out some flowers to plant: rainbow colors and look what we saw while watering them 

Easter treats from Pops and Mimi. 

Tea party and forehead tattoo???

Lunch date with daddy

Rain fun with Taylor  

Spring showers at bus stop 


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