Answered prayers y'all!

Well I felt like I held my breath all day yesterday waiting and hoping Cannon's family would get quick and good results and THEY DID! The worrisome spot that showed up on his maintenance scan a few weeks ago was rescanned at a different hospital in a more in depth way and it is not cancer! He is clear! Even his limp in the same leg that had the questionable spot is due to an orthopedic issue that they can address! Our Prayers have been heard and answered! They can go on their vacation they planned this summer and he can start Kindergarten in the fall! He can go on living his life enjoying childhood instead of back into the hospital world. I may hardly know these people but their story and little Cannon has captured me...I suppose similarly to some of you who have embraced our family and our Charlotte all this time. I know what it feels like waiting and praying and receiving this kind of news from afar. Thank you all so much for praying for Cannon.

Meanwhile your girl, Charlotte, is wrapping up this predosing and will have some time at home this weekend before we are admitted on Sunday to start the "big guns" Immunotherapy next week. We are mentally preparing for her to have a very tough week in the hospital because this next round is a dozy apparently on their little bodies. But for every outward sign of her fighting, we can imagine this war inside in which she IS winning. So the struggle isn't to keep her head above the water, but instead is her body along side this medication kicking some serious cancer butt. And that notion can help us cope watching her go through those tough days. We feel god with us at every step and we feel all of you cheering and surrounding her in strength and love. ❤️🌈

Walking and hanging with Umple Tim here in Durham

Duke gardens

Pancake breakfast at RMH

Fun at RMH

Fun at RMH


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