A heart breaking reality
I had written those other 2 posts (God Winks and getting Annemarie'd) last week while inpatient but I started and stopped them so often because of Charlotte's needs and my own exhaustion that I never got to proof and publish them. So I apologoze for the all of a sudden 3 posts published back to back tonight. But I really do try to be authentic and capture all of Charlotte's moments...I like and need to visualize her grown up and reading all of this one day when we feel she is ready. Maybe she will see and inspire herself all over again one day. Maybe Brian and I will make her proud. Maybe this care page turned journel will honor her and all of those who have rode along praying right beside her. She will read-see-feel the love we have all poured over her this year when the time is right one day. So I like to leave no detail out and no stone unturned in revealing her journey here in this space we've created. Here with you all. Number one, we are HOME. Came home Friday e...