Healing at home and gearing up for surgery

I've said this before and it has never been more true then right now, but it is easy to get lulled into some false sense of security/normalcy when things are going smoothly. Today was an important wake-up-snap-out-of-it check. A reminder that there is a deadly beast living inside of our baby girl. And the time is near for the surgery to remove it.

Charlotte completed round 5 of chemo today. Aside from slight nausea and some fatigue, she is doing great. We are bringing her home for recovery this afternoon! It is important for her body to heal and for all of her cell counts to be up to healthy levels before the abdominal tumor resection surgery takes place. Today was a step in the direction to plan for this surgery. Brian and I met with our Duke Pediatric surgeon this morning. She has performed all of Charlotte's operations so far. And when she left the room, we could actually both smile at each other and let out a big breath (of relief)! Our job, at this time, has felt overwhelming. We are Charlotte's advocate. But neither of us felt necessarily "qualified" to shop around for a surgeon to do this...but we have done some research and felt it was our due diligence to be prepared to find the best surgeon possible. We would go anywhere. In the past, our own team of doctors have referred families on to other surgeons elsewhere who they felt would be best suited to perform various surgeries. However, we can now breathe a sigh of relief because Brian and I are in agreement with the Duke team here. This surgery has become well within the scope of possibility and our surgeon, Dr.Tracey, is the one to do this. Charlotte will have a scan next week to help create a more up to date "road map" for the surgical team to use as a guide to help plan for this surgery. There are great risks of course, but her remarkable response so far has created a safer environment for this surgery. And after this round has been completed, it can only get better. So, we have made the decision that has weighed so heavily on us. And Dr. Tracey today has easily made that possible for us. We trust her and her medical team completely with our little girl. Please add her and her staff to your prayers as the surgery approaches on July 14.

We are relieved to have this plan in place and so greatful to be where we are. But as the days approach toward July 14, I will be completely honest, Brian and I have never been more scared of anything in our lives. Trusting...it is a tricky thing isn't it? Easier said then done. Trusting in our doctors, in ourselves, in God. We ask him to forgive our doubting because we are only human and we are scared. How does one hand their little girl, cradled in our arms, over?  How do we sit near with our hands off the wheel and allow someone else to drive down this dangerous road with our most precious cargo. God please give us strength to do this. To believe and to have faith. We need it now more then ever. We have and ARE truly witnessing something special as we watch Charlotte fight this cancer. Many people have made remarks about how strong we are being. And I read somewhere that "you never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have." That is our reality. But this time, this surgery, we are going to need to pull strength and faith from all of you. As I type this with shaking hands, we thank you for it. And God for helping to provide it.

Some of you have never played with or met our little Charlotte. Of course many of you have and so this is just something to give you a smile. I included a couple videos below from this hospital stay that kind of capture aspects of her spirit. (And some pictures during this round too as we continue to document and make memories). She is something. And she is a force. I kept telling myself this as I literally chased behind her while wheeling her IV pole as she ran around outside one day. I thought to myself "is this normal?!? This kid is on her 3rd day of chemo in her 5th round and she is happily chattering to herself running outside! I see no other children anywhere in sight. How is she doing this?! This isn't normal!" Then I realized. Of course it's not! And neither is she. She is remarkable and I get a front row seat to her remarkable journey. I am watching something truly special. We all are.
Playing store part 2
Playing store part 1
Ice cream break with daddy

Daddy starts round 5!

A favorite past time we visit. This little computer in the waiting area. "Typing!" She says 

A little playground area open sometimes

Playing while we wheel her "R2D2 ( IV cart)around. 

Playing at the nurses station

Met a sibling of a patient in the playroom who also likes trains 

Cuddled in bed reading 

A Father's day picture: after visiting at the hospital all together, Brian went with Taylor,Parker and his mom to see Finding Dory 

Loving her new hospital socks

Taylor wrote this message on her door❤️


  1. Teary eyed I join your family in praying for Charlotte and for her entire medical team to be enlightened and at the top of their skill set for this surgery!
    That smile of hers truly melts hearts! Take good care Jennifer!

  2. and ask her to save a friend of yours some "chicken and chips, please! LOL <3

  3. She is a special child. Praise God for her spirit and her strength HE is holding her in HIS hands
    I cannot imagine or fathom your fears And your anxiety but I am sure HE knows your feelings and your heart
    And I know your entire Family and all your friends and all those around the country who have heard her story are praying mightly and regularly that HE heals her. Many hearts ,and many faiths are praying for complete and total victory over this monster
    We thank you and Brian for your strength and your faith , though it may be tested at this time will be a light unto all that know of her jouney
    Love and prayers surround Her and you and Brian and there are many who are standing by to pray and help you thru the surgery and beyond
    Thank you for the pictures and the chance to see this beautiful incredible child smile and be herself
    God Biess you and Brisn know that we all are here
    Love you

  4. Omg!! Those videos are sooooooo cute!! Love when she tells you "sorry" when the store is closed! 💖💖☺️☺️ She is a remarkable child regardless of the cancer! Can't wait to see what marks she continues to leave on this earth! She is amazing!!

  5. I check this page every morning and a smile spreads on my face when I see a new update. I know that it's going to be a reminder about how precious life is and how STRONG Charlotte and all of you are. You've got my prayers and love. I'll be praying for Charlotte's surgical team and for God to provide them the wisdom and determination to guide Charlotte through the surgery. Love you all.

  6. She is just the cutest little thing.. her light shines bright! Sending hugs and prayers from Baltimore.

  7. Oh my goodness, what sweet videos. You're right, she is a force. So happy she's home and all went as planned for round 5. I'm praying for you all and the surgical team. Keep moving and keep smiling, Charlotte!! Love to you all xoxo

  8. It's so very scary to trust. But she is a fighter. She's proven that. We love you guys and she's gonna continue to fight this.

  9. Keeping you in our prayers. Ella is praying for Charlotte and all of you every night . We love Taylor's sign - how beautiful....


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