2 Coolers and the worlds longest train

There have been 2 coolers on our front porch since mid March of 2016. That was when Charlotte was hospitalized and diagnosed. Several friends and neighbors came together to brainstorm what they could do to help us. Among many things, the Meal Train was formed. They could never have known this, but this Meal Train that became what I lovingly call "the worlds longest train", also became something else...

They started this Meal Train website so that people could sign up for dates to bring a meal or even a grocery run. They placed 2 coolers on our front porch to serve as a hot and cold cooler for meals and food. These meals and grocery runs have gone on for SIXTEEN MONTHS. For 12 of the 16 months, meals were delivered every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with grocery runs a couple times a month on a Saturday or Sunday. The last 4 month we trimmed it down to just the weeks inpatient but nevertheless...the people have been thoughtfully, generously, and lovingly bringing these meals and groceries without fail. Many, of whom, we didn't know before Charlotte became sick. Some are good friends and neighbors, while others are neighbors we didn't know, prayer groups members, preschool families and friends, or even complete strangers who have heard about our little girl and felt compelled to do something. Some meals were prepared by people who are quite the chefs. Some meals were easy pop in the oven store bought meals and sides of fruits and veggies. Some meals were take and bake pizzas or sent via delivery from World Famous restaurants from other parts of the country. Some meals were comfort meals made from scratch from someone's old family recipe, prepared by hands who have never met Charlotte. Some meals could feed an army and provided an extra night of left overs or an additional take along meal for us to bring to the hospital. Some meals were brought by people who don't really like to cook, but who took the time to bring us a meal anyway. Some meals were donned with desserts or little surprises for the children to play with.  And there were grocery runs that filled our pantry and our refrigerator with breakfasts and school lunch items and snacks and fresh fruits and veggies and easy meals for inbetween Meal Train deliveries. There were grocery runs with bulk items from Costco where it looked like we would never need to buy toilet paper or paper towels or peanut butter ever again 😂.

Whether simple, elaborate, store bought, or home made, these meals brought us more then nourishment and comfort. It became so much more then a Meal Train. It became another definitive sign that God is at work. It became a comforting reminder that what is happening to our baby girl is not happening in a vacuum. It became an example to our children of the good that truly lives inside of people. It became a way to spread the message of Gods love and hope to others that embraced our family. It became a megaphone for more prayers from all of these people who came to follow Charlotte's journey. The Meal Train became a reflection of Gods love.

The "worlds longest train" of 16 months has come to an end. It saw us through the unimaginable. It reinforced our belief in human love and compassion. It reconnected us to the spirit of community. It set an example for our children. It helped spread Gods love. It helped remind us that God is with us. All we had to do was look around and believe. It's kind of silly to feel sad at saying goodbye while returning those 2 coolers that have become part of our front porch. But what those coolers have meant to our family is life everlasting.  Thank you Meal Train village. We could never ever thank you enough.

As for our Charlotte, she is recovering at home from this final inpatient round. She still has a week of injections in her little arm at home and some other medications. She will begin the Retinoic Acid regimen again for 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off for another month being the 6th and final month of treatment. She will still have weekly clinic check ups and lab draws to monitor over the next month or so. She'll still need her central line for a little bit longer. But the biggest milestone is still yet to come y'all. After her final month of treatment that she'll finish in early September, she will have her end of treatment scans. We need big time prayers for her scans to be clear. We need to see the evidence of what she's fought so hard for. We need this confirmation so our girl can keep moving and keep going. We will update once we known when those are scheduled. Thanks so so much for keeping those prayers going you all. Thank you for helping to be a reflection of Gods grace and love.

THE coolers

Her victory walk❤️

Morning bike ride in Jammie's. She's had some nausea with vomiting last night but seems to be feeling fine today.

Nana Schuey and Poppy are back west heading for our Niece Allison's 6th birthday party and look at this impressive rainbow God sent them on their drive

Panoramic rainbow from MD❤️


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