Bumps in the road leave a mark

Today was the first day I have ever heard Charlotte initiate and pray out loud. Her little voice, to herself said "Oh God, please help me!" And I barely kept it together. She was feeling so bad. No three year old should ever feel in such a way that they plead for Gods help. But here we are. I will keep believing and trusting. I have to. We have to walk by faith and not by sight.

Instead of coming home today, Charlotte needs to stay overnight for observation. She ended up having a severe reaction to the end of the round and spiked a huge fever of 106.3. She shook so badly I was afraid she'd have a seizure but it was just the worst case of chills I've ever seen. She slept most of today and we observed something possibly never reported so that children being treated going forward won't have such a harsh reaction like Charlotte. The team believes something could have been done differently to spare her this huge reaction at the end and so we are grateful that if Charlotte had to go through something like this, perhaps it can help other little ones.

She is feeling much better and we are confident she'll get home tomorrow. In fact, Brian was going to bring her back tomorrow for a clinic visit anyway so staying tonight will help them draw labs and give her any additional fluids and electrolytes via IV tonight, saving them the trip! That's the bright side.  The sad side is she cried for her brother and sister. She misses them terribly. Brian came today to bring us home but instead sat with us while she slept and he was able to work some remotely. It's not a glass of wine on the couch home together, but it's something. And sometimes, you have to appreciate what time you have together wherever it is. We'll pray that time tomorrow will be home together. Even if it's also spent managing the kids swim practice, and a friend's birthday party, but that is normal life that we welcome with open arms.  This round 4 was the toughest of the 4 with higher fevers, lots of itching and rashes, loss of appetite, and diarrhea. But tonight she smiled and laughed while using her pretend magic to freeze her daddy and save mommy. She's coming back to us. Every experience, every bump in her road leaves its mark. It leaves its mark on all of us. I look forward to watching those marks translate into something meaningful. I believe they will. Don't we have to?
Sleeping beauty

Holding on. Her smile will be back.


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