At the starting line she goes

It was hard bringing you back to the hospital today. You've been playing so happily without a single care. Your laughter and feet echoing throughout the house, completing the sounds that make our house a home. Even the sounds of siblings battling over this or that is like music these days. And sometimes you or your brother or sister come to us with tears in their eyes over some childish thing, and the sheer norlmacy of that moment reminds us of the joys and challenges that being a parent entails. It's exactly where I want to be, doing exactly what I love most. But today we are starting this next phase to give you the best chance possible. Immunotherapy has given kids with high risk Neuroblastoma a better shot at completely ridding their little bodies of this cancer that likes to hide and return and steal your childhood and your life. So, today, we take this step. It's another step towards healing you. Your dad and I want to wrap our arms around you and keep you home. We want to keep you close and make everything better. But we cannot. So here we are. Again, facing the unknown but not alone in any sense. We are following God as you continue to show us the way, HIS ways. You are so remarkable. You are so loved. You continue to move everyone around you while also moving mountains.

As hard as this will be to watch Charlotte, who feels so good, go through what we have been told can be quite difficult and painful, we cling to the notion that we are EXACTLY where we've prayed she would be. She's starting this therapy that we HOPED she would be able to get to. And she's done it. So if these next several days are tough, Brian and I have chosen to visualize her body mounting this huge and impressive response along with this state of the art therapy to destroy microscopic cancer that research has shown could and most likely would come back. We will visualize her body attacking these remaining cancer cells with all their might. And we will remind ourselves that every tough moment that she conquers is another chance for her to grow up and have this blessed life God has planned for her. She can do this. She will keep going, keep moving.

She's never felt better. Here we go  off to Duke for Round 1 Immunotherapy.

She was quite at home back here in the Pediatric Bone Marrow Transplant Unit. They will over see all of her immunotherapy

Getting settled in with daddy

Moving into our room.

Playing with her nurse friends 

Took a walk and ate dinner outside tonight. Infusion doesn't begin until morning and then we will remain in the unit until Friday 

Some recent pictures of her enjoying her time at home this last week,  in between Radiation and starting Immunotherapy

Wearing her medal and beanie hat from St. Baldricks 

Exploring Nature  

Dressed to the nines to take Lucy to the vet😆 

Climbing treehouse s and playing with her brother and sister at Durham Life and of  my hands down favorite places to take them. 

Riding a train 

She loves that Parker can read to her now. One of my favorite things is when he gets stuck on a word and she quietly and intently watches him, patiently waiting for him to figure out the word. She's fascinated that he is learning to read 


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