Surviving and thriving

Charlotte's best medicine just flew back home today after a great long weekend up here in Philly together. Last Sunday, I flew back home while Brian stayed up here with Charlotte. The three of us overlapped here Friday and Saturday. Thanks to Pops and Mimi babysitting last Saturday night,  Brian and I even got a dinner date! Brian spent the week up here taking Charlotte to her morning radiation appointments and spending the rest of the day "adventuring" (he coined the term haha). They had a ball together. Those who know Charlotte know how much of a daddy's girl she's always been. It was truly special time for the two of them while I got time at home with my other 2 babies. Honestly, because they are both in school during the day, I felt like a fish out of water. Without Charlotte to care for and play with all day, I felt like I was missing a limb. It was a nice break though and I got some great time with the older 2 after they got home from school.

Friday, Feb 24, was Parker's 6th birthday! I flew him and Taylor up with me on his birthday and we celebrated here all together. It was a much needed weekend together. The children are truly coping with all of this quite remarkably. Here is a good example of how they have shown us how well adjusted they are:
Me:" Hey how would you like mommy to come to school one day this week and have lunch with you! Just you and me time?!" (Que my expectations of excited yay mom responses! And When?? Which day??)
Me: "well?"
Taylor shrugs and smiles
Parker speaks his mind "no thanks mom."
Taylor: "ya no thanks"
Me (trying to hide my hurt feelings): "ok...but why? Why don't you want me to come eat lunch with you? Charlotte's not here so it'll be just us. I thought it would be fun. I could bring you lunch or you could pack and we just eat together? Don't they have a special table for if parents come?"
Parker: "I don't want you to."
Taylor :"me neither"
Me: "but, why? I mean ok we don't have to, but...why?"
Parker: "mom, this is the only time besides recess I get to talk to and play with my friends all day. We still get to see you all the time. I'll see you after school at 4. Ok?"
Taylor:"is that ok mom?"
Me: "oh. So you look forward to being with your friends at lunch time and if I come you'll miss out on the time you get to chat and socialize with your friends?!"

Cue my epiphany! This was the longest I had ever been away from them! I thought they must have missed me so much that having lunch together during the school day would have been something they would have flipped over! So imagine my surprise when it seemed like old hat to them! They would rather sit and hang with their friends because that is what they should want! They shouldn't  have to miss their mother so much that they crave seeing her during their normal school day. "See you after school mom!" And happy as can be, they ran off to the bus, to their day, to their friends, to their teachers, to their little worlds that are not filled with yearning for their mother or missing their family. Turns out, my lunch date idea was for me.

And so, instead, I spent time with some good friends. I even carved out an afternoon of pampering myself a little one day. And sure enough, off the bus with a smile and a hug came Taylor and Parker each day, full of the important news of the day that a 5 and 8 year old would have. They are ok. We are all ok. Some how, some way in the midst of what I had considered unimaginable not only are we all ok, but in some ways we are better then we could have ever been. Gods gifts keep coming.

Charlotte continues to tolerate the radiation and everything involved very well. So far, the only noticeable side effect is some radiation burns on her skin. Her appetite, energy, and over all spirit is in full force. She sleeps well at night, takes an afternoon nap readily when needed, and is growing into quite the grateful, appreciative, and affectionate little girl. I refuse to believe this observation is only through parents eyes, but both Brian and I have seen this separately: Charlotte draws people in. When she leaves after treatment, often waving goodbye to everyone like a prom queen as she smiles and dances and hops and skips..she is a beacon of hope to so many patients going through the unimaginable. People often stand up as she walks through the waiting room so they can watch her journey out to the elevator, smiling at her and waving back. It's as if she's basked them in hope and love and joy. She embodies this more then I've ever felt. She's like a magnet. God is working through her in ways that are unfolding in front of us every day. Tonight her little face looked at me and said "mommy? You are so special to me." Her words, they felt  like Gods blessing

Our super hero wearing her cape all over town

The Franklin Museum

Taking in museum of natural history 

IMAX flying dinosaurs 


She's singing Katy Perrys Roar haha!

I think we should all just dress however we feel all of the time 

Daddy time while mom goes home 

Out "adventuring" with dad 


Spice and sass 

Taylor being honored at Duke Siblings day. I will write about these other 2 families another time...God works in such mysterious ways 

Getting ready for take off! 

First a plane and then a train to get to Charlotte 

3 amigos 

Happy birthday buddy  

Family walk 

Mi a mor 

Charlotte picks out her clothes. Every. Day 😂 She says "I like patterns". No joke you sure do 😆 


Carriage ride and liberty bell with pops 

Rocky! Brian took her to the famous steps but she would not pose so we'll try again. 

Just a beautiful picture with a single tear sliding down because mommy said she was done playing Barbies with her... 

Double rainbow from Chicago village member Suzie ❤️

Rainbows from Baltimore village ❤️Shelley and co 

A few cute videos 🌈


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