A rainbow we almost missed

After the snow clouds cleared yesterday and the sun began to shine, I looked for a rainbow. It was Charlotte's first day of radiation and I tend to look to the heavens for hope and reassurance when I need it. But God sends us rainbows often when we least expect it. After round 2 of radiation today, Charlotte and I explored the city. We went to a park (where she said it was as cold as Arendale lol), then we found a good pizza restaurant and a bakery near our apartment. When we opened the bottle of her juice at the restaurant, my breath was taken. An unexpected rainbow was there in the message within the lid! Afterwards we walked next door to the bakery and Charlotte shouted "rainbow cake mommy!" I replied "oh I don't know if they would have a rainbow cake honey and let's  just get a small treat not a whole cake..."as my voice trailed off because there on the counter was this beauty. A rainbow cake. God is with us. Rainbows continue to follow our baby girl

My goofy date

I so love this little girl

An unexpected rainbow at dinner 

Found a bakery down the street

Rainbow cake 

My beautiful date in philly tonight! 

Tea party today with mommy

She mostly wanted to dunk the tea bag repeatedly 

We didn't last long at this park! It's so cold here! Charlotte said it's like "Arendale" 😂 

Playing in the waiting room before round 2! She seems to be tolerating these 5:30 am wake ups just fine! Wakes up happy and ready for her morning. She did verbalized for the first time today that her fear is when they take her to the room where she will be put under anesthesia. She told me that she doesn't like her eyes to go fuzzy and then everything is dark. This almost put me over...I hoped she didn't have this sensation but she does. The team here is formulating a plan to help the anesthesia process be less upsetting for her. 


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