
I didn't want to put away our Christmas tree or any Christmas decorations until we brought Charlotte back home. We had expected her to be home by Christmas. And I just really wanted to feel like we had time together home to celebrate Christmas. I thought we needed it to look like Christmas to feel like Christmas: tree, lights, decorations, music, presents, cookie baking, traditions. But I was wrong. Last night, here together without any external symbols of Christmas, at our 2 bedroom outpatient apartment here near Duke in Durham, it felt like Christmas. Dec 25 is just the day designated to pause and celebrate Jesus's birth. But that is just a date. Christmas, celebrating Jesus, can be observed any time you want to pause and feel the Christmas spirit. Last night was our first night together as a family in 7 weeks. The children were playing, my husband and I cuddled up and had a glass of wine, snow was falling. In my heart, it felt like Christmas. The peace, love and joy that the season brings was all around us. And when we woke to a snowy winter wonderland, it felt like we were being blessed. Our home is only 30 minutes away but the snow missed it. But here, it continues to fall as we are cuddled up with hot chocolate and a movie after coming in from sledding!  And it feels like Christmas morning. We are here together, and we honestly wouldn't rather be anywhere else on earth. Charlotte's daily clinic appointments have gone very well so she has been given the weekend off!  Thank you lord. What a way to ring in 2017. Together.

Our southern children woke up so excited 

Bundled up, Charlotte played about 30 minutes before she was ready to go back inside to warmth. 

3 amigos have missed each other so much

Absence makes the heart grow fonder haha! So harmonious 

Charlotte's store: its the best--you always leave with more money then you came with 

Sledding! Charlotte loved it and watch Parker's moves! 

Hot chocolate 


  1. God Bless you, Brian and your whole family
    You deserve it
    Praise God for His Goodness
    You are absolutely correct about the date Christ is born In our hearts every day and Gods Gift to us should be celebrated often
    Your journey , the three amigos, and Charlotte's incredible spirit are the things great Christmas' are made of
    Congratulations. Enjoy this time. You have all earned it
    Love you, Miss you

  2. Merry Reynolds' Christmas! Go Charlotte!


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