The "confetti hospital" and the day God made

Two conversations this morning with Charlotte come to mind as I try to write this update. We had been gently discussing today with the children over the past week. We wanted to be matter of fact about Charlotte needing to return to the hospital for "more medicine" so she can continue to get better. I felt we were all prepared. We were ready. But then this morning came. And the dread and worry began to wash over me. When the bus left with the other little ones who make up my world, emotions started to overcome me. But then, Charlotte happened...

I decided not to rush this morning. We didn't need to check into Duke Pediatric Bone Marrow Transplant Unit until well after lunchtime. Therefore, we decided to take a walk to the swings, one of her favorite things to do. On the way, I reminded her after lunch and a nap, we would drive to the hospital. She paused a moment and looked up at me. "Confetti hospital?", she asked. I smiled and laughed because we never called it that but she remembered they throw a confetti parade when a patient is discharged. I said "YES!" And she smiled and said "okay. I like that hospital". A wave of relief washed over me. Moments later as we kept walking I commented at how beautiful the weather was and that I thank God for this gorgeous day we can spend outside before we have to go. She asked "God make this day for me?" My heart be still I almost crumbled. Yes baby girl. I think he did. And so instead of fretting like I was, worrying, and allowing the negative emotions to predominate, Charlotte spoke the truth. It is a beautiful day in every way possible. We get to continue the fight. We get to do so 30 minutes away where we can see Taylor and Parker at times and daddy can come visit us for lunch or after work and spend a couple nights a week here with her, which also allows me to get time at home. But most importantly, we are here and able to continue this protocol. It's working. She's getting better. This is the day we prayed for.

After being admitted, she quickly showed me how comfortable she is back in these halls. She was playful and in good spirits. This really helped ease the transition for me. And then she became a sassy diva when we entered our room and apparently the decor did not meet her expectations 😆. "Not my room! Where decorations? Where princess decorations?!?" And then she pitched a 3 year old fit for 5 minutes. I explained we will put lots of decorations up again (pictures and such many people and kids have made for her as well as family pictures), and quicker then a wink a volunteer came with a quick hand drawn poster for her door with her name and some princess stickers thrown on it. Discerningly, she decided that would suffice for tonight. When did she become a threenager? The people here at Duke amaze me more and more every time we are here. They truly put these kids first. There is nothing they won't do to make this experience more comfortable and joyful for them. We are truly blessed even while in this place we don't want to be, about to begin again what we don't want her to have to go through. This place, this moment is a blessing. And tomorrow Charlotte begins THE LAST round of chemo she will have to have. HUGE MILESTONE. In 4 days, she will be finished with chemo forever. Thank you God for giving Charlotte this day just like she wondered on her walk. And thanks for letting us bask in its magnificence right along with her.

All settled in!  Wearing a nightgown our Aunt Debbie made her. 

Walking in the sunshine today

And Walking Lucy 

Swings and smiles with a friend, Lydia 

A caring neighbor, Christy, brought us a needed smile this morning

Last night, building with new Legos from our Wilson cousins

Proud of her tower

Last evening home together for a little while...My world (2 and 4 legged varieties)
When asked what they wanted to do last day home altogether for a little while, they decided on making leave nests and bouncing ❤️


  1. She is a gift from God! Thinking of you all as Charlotte begins her LAST round of chemo. We are all pulling for you!! #charlottestrong

  2. Last round....what wonderful words to hear!!! Love you all!!! xoxoxo

  3. What a wonderful incredible little girl . God Bless her
    She makes me smile. She makes my cry
    And I just want to hug her or cuddle with her or have her serve me a cheeseburger from her kitchen
    Praise God for her successes and Prayers for continued steps forward
    Prayers for her
    Prayers for you and Brian as you carry
    The family thru this next hurdle
    Love you


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