Full steam ahead for Nov 15

Quick update: Good News! We had an appointment today at Duke to review preadmission testing results and the road map for the 2nd stem cell transplant, and Charlotte is ready! All results look perfect! She has recovered from SCT 1 and now we are ready for the second one. She will be admitted on Tuesday Nov 15. She will be given 4 days of intense high dose chemo with 3 different chemotherapeutics. 2 of the 3 are actually 4 day nonstop infusions (sigh...) but looking at the big picture instead of the details of what she has to go through again--THIS IS WHAT WE WANTED! We can go full steam ahead with what research has proven gives her the best chance at beating this. We hoped for a no holds bar outcome and she did it. Her body has recovered and its ready to fight again.

We meet this news with mixed emotions as you can imagine. By now, we are pros at realizing "nope, we can't stay here for long." A short rest and then back at it. The details are heart wrenching but the big picture is what keeps us going. Research has shown there is most likely small pockets of undetectable neuroblastoma hiding within her body waiting to return. We cannot let that happen. She can tell you in her little voice "I need to finish ALL my medicine so my tumor doesn't grow back." She knows this at barely 3. She knows time is close to go back. But her determination and spirit, in which has been such a driving force for us all, is still strong. She will keep going, keep moving. And we continue to be blown away by all of you who are cheering and praying for our Charlotte. We continue to feel Gods grace and love surrounding us...and often it is coming to us in the form of human compassion, generosity, and love. And it is so powerful. You are all a powerful force in our lives.

Tuesday will be here soon...but for now, Charlotte can hunt dinosaur eggs in our yard. She can be a typical 3 year old. We are thanking God for this time we have had home. Little video clip of her just being her


  1. Watching Charlotte at play is a gift from God indeed! Thank your sharing. Full steam ahead!

  2. Praise God for a Special Child
    Who just makes you smile
    She is Incredible and is a JOY
    Thank you Father for watching over her
    Please keep her in your loving arms
    Keep Moving
    Keep Going
    Charlotte Strong
    Love you

  3. 💕💕💕💕💕 makes my heart melt....❤️ you Charlotte!!!

  4. Gosh, you just want to eat her up!!


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