Clear clear clear!

 Quick update to let you all know that Charlotte remains CLEAR with no evidence of Neuroblastoma! Now that Charlotte is growing older amid all of this, one of the truly special and remarkable parts of has been watching her reaction when we tell her the news. She can genuinely feel the joy I think because she knows some of what it has cost her to get this news. She immediately beams that smile and seems to light up. Although Brian and I try to never let the children see the weight this is on us, the worry, the fear, she feels it too. She wants this to be behind her too. She asks us what will happen if her scans showed that the cancer has started to grow again. We tell her that we would fight it off once again. That we would keep fighting it off. And honestly, that is what we are doing right now in this clinical trial. So now we turn towards NYC and trying to find a way or MAKE a way for her to keep having access to what could make all the difference not just for her, but for so many children who are also trying to keep going, keep moving forward. 

Thanks for continuing your prayers as we face this next unknown. I don’t know what to expect in NYC. I’m nervous and anxious. I need to be a momma bear but a momma bear that is diplomatic. One that won’t burn any bridges but instead make it clear in that we want to help partner in creating a new bridge. God is the greatest waymaker and we are asking for His continued guidance as we learn what is possible. And as we ask tough questions like: why not?


  1. Hooray!! Thank you God! Congratulations Charlotte and family! xoxo

  2. Praise! Frank and I are so happy to hear your good news. You and Charlotte are wrapped in God's arms as you have your NYC visit.


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