The end of the year of hope and determination

We made it❤️๐ŸŒˆIt’s safe to say this school year did not go as we had hoped. Just a few weeks before the first day of school, Charlotte was diagnosed with relapsed Neuroblastoma and our world came crashing down. She was thrown back into treatment...more chemo, more radiation, a new immunotherapy we had to travel over 5 months to NYC for. We juggled school and activities and home life best we could among the appointments and scans and travels and side effects and fear and worry. Then COVID further complicated the world and everyone’s lives including ours. Yet....we saw our children somehow BLOSSOM amid it all. Taylor shined and has graduated on to middle school. Charlotte mastered all grade level expectations and received a “Class Hero” award yesterday at her virtual end of year K celebration as she taught everyone what hope and determination could do. And Parker...who is still his happy go lucky, sweet, charming, bright and happy self excelled and finished 3rd grade strong! Of course, we also had so many beautiful rainbow moments sprinkled throughout this school year. Next week is a big one. We have scans and I’ll speak to those details later but for now Brian and I are trying to celebrate all 3 of our babies, take a breath, and soak up Gods amazing grace❤️๐ŸŒˆ #familystrong

First day of K and last day! On that first day, she was completely bald, medical markings for radiation on her legs, she was somewhat unsure after having the world pulled out from under her feet so suddenly. We were just trying to put one hopeful foot in front of the other without any idea what this year would bring while back fighting the cancer we hoped and believed she had beaten. We watched her conquer and blossom amid it all. She was given “class hero” award and we know she is certainly our hero❤️๐ŸŒˆ

Parker first and last day of 3rd. During these stay at home days, Parker and Charlotte are almost inseparable. They’ve grown very close

First and last day of 5th. This was the only year we will have ALL THREE in the same school๐Ÿ’”Our Taylor graduates on to middle school. Taylor is blossoming and growing up into such a beautiful and special soul. Charlotte looks up to her with every fiber of her being


  1. May blessings continue to pour on your family, you have been through so much!!


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