Round 2 success and the kindness of strangers

Somewhere in Florida are 2 grandparents we’ve never met who opened their vacant New Jersey home up for Charlotte and I Monday night for our quick up and back vaccine shot #2 of 7. Their home is 20 miles from MSK in Manhattan. Their granddaughter, Isla, is one of Charlotte’s best friends and also our neighbor. Isla’s Uncle, Aunt, and cousins live not too far away from this home and before we arrived, they dropped off the key and some rainbow treats for Charlotte to enjoy. These cousins of Isla’s didn’t even know about our special rainbows. God winking at us through the kindness of strangers once again.

On our drive up Monday afternoon, we also got a rainbow in the aftermath of a huge thunderstorm. It popped up directly in front of us as we drove and was the first one we’d seen in what felt like a long time. We both smiled and seemed to need a little rainbow to drive towards. I think we could all use some rainbows to light our way during these days, Lord.

These are strange times. It was very eerie driving down one of the main avenues in NYC yesterday and hardly seeing any cars, buses, or cabs. The city has been hit hard and although I wish we didn’t have to come here in the midst of this pandemic, we are doing what we must while staying as safe as possible. Because the traffic continues to be so light with all of the stay at home orders, we were able to get back HOME last night and Charlotte continues to be an excellent traveler. She tried to train her new pet fly we relocated in our car from NYC to NC, and played a new game called “am I kicking the back of your seat with one foot, 2 feet alternating, or both feet together?!”😳🤪Mostly she draws/colors and does some small little crafts like making bracelets or yarn art, we play silly games and listen to music. She has a tablet to play on and watch a movie. We pack food for lots of snacking and some meals. We find rainbows and make lemonade best we can💗

She’s tolerating the vaccine trial well so far, although the injection is painful (feels like hot bacon grease being injected under the skin) and site is red, swollen, and tender for days afterwards. Here she is playing with the 3D Tiger we found on google as we pass the hours by waiting in clinic😂.  We drive back up next Monday-Tuesday for shot 3 of 7...I’m not going to pretend this is easy but from our perspective we are BEYOND blessed to be here at this point again. And we sure continue to feel everyone’s love🌈❤️🌈Special thanks to the Hodgson Family! We are so grateful! #charlottestrong


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